
Short description:

The village of Kocs gave its name to the carriage, a fast, light, comfortable and safe vehicle whose reputation spread rapidly across Europe. In fact, the trolley carriage reformed the carriage of passengers, to which the favourable geographical location of the municipality of Kocs, in addition to the favourable characteristics of the vehicle, contributed significantly. The fact that the word 'kocsi' can still be found in many European languages, with the same meaning (in English: coach), is a clear proof of its Hungarian origin and its popularity over the centuries.  The ground-breaking innovations used on it have deservedly made it famous and have promoted the national and transnational reputation of the wagon-making masters.

The lines of the vehicle, which became popular in the time of King Matthias, follow the design of the ancient Hungarian wagon. The carriage was designed to be fast, with the three horses being captured and the light weight contributing to its speed. Even at this time, safety and comfort were of paramount importance, achieved mainly by the curved sides, larger than average diameter wheels and high seats with dual function.


Javaslat a nemzeti érték Hungarikumok Gyűjteményébe történő felvételéhez.

Az érték a Hungarikum törvény 114/2013. (IV. 16.) Kormányrendelet a magyar nemzeti értékek és hungarikumok gondozásáról III. sz. mellékletének Hungarikum Bizottsághoz történő felterjesztésével és elbírálása által került a Hungarikumok Gyűjteményébe.

Tags: Kocs, kocsi

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