Dunakeszi, March 6, 2024
Zsolt V. Németh, the prime minister’s commissioner responsible for the protection of the Hungarian way of life and our national values, stated at the event that the courage, intelligence, commanding appearance and loyalty of the Kuvasz “can be of help and joy to us, as it has been throughout history, today and in the future.”
He recalled that in 2018, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Association of Hungarian Breeders’ National Associations and the OPSZ launched the model program to save the breed, in which the descendants of former shepherd and guard dogs are put on patrol duty. But at the same time, they also provide another service – he pointed out – they promote the cause of the Hungarians, “the adherence to our values, the protection of the Hungarian way of life”.
Hungary was one of the first in the world to recognize the importance of gene conservation – he reminded – and that is why the preservation of genetic resources in our plant and animal species and breeds, including our national values and Hungarian customs, was given a special role in the government program.
Zsolt V. Németh also pointed out that the program is not only a goal, but also a means for people to get to know and love the ancient Hungarian dog breeds. At the same time, it is not enough for them to survive that they became national treasures and then became a Hungarian heritage, because “they will survive if keeping dogs, keeping Hungarian dogs, becomes part of our way of life”.
András Túrós, the president of the National Civil Guard Association, reminded that the decision was made 11 months ago: the equestrian and canine service divisions of the civil guard will be independent, and the latter will be expanded with a new section, animal protection.
Szilvia Vetter, the chairman of the board of trustees of the Animal Protection Foundation of our Common Cause, highlighted, among other things, that according to the agreement reached 11 months ago, among other things, the foundation supports the animal protection activities of the Civil Guard with all the means at its disposal. He also drew attention to the fact that the police not only serve public order and society, but also set an example of responsible animal husbandry, as they can show “how well socialized, how fantastic dogs can be”.
István Simicskó, parliamentary group leader of the KDNP, founder of the Őshonos Magyar Kutyákalk Közjóért Foundation – who submitted a proposal for a resolution twenty years ago on the acceptance of nine Hungarian old dog breeds as national treasures – told MTI: it is a nice gesture that in cooperation with the Civil Guard they receive puppies every year the civil guards, because the place of kuvaz must be found in today’s world as well.
“We also try to support this, as it is important that this beautiful, powerful Hungarian dog is also used for guarding and protection work,” he said, adding: experience shows that these dogs can be used even in today’s conditions, and the Civil Guard is happy and welcomes them with pleasure.
Source and photo: MTI/ Tamás Kovács