A 30-minute educational film has been created on Hungary’s nine native dog breeds and was shown at a closing event at the National Dog Breeding Gene Conservation Program in Eger, organized by the Association of Hungarian Breeders of Breeds (MEOESZ).
Zsolt V. Németh, the Ministerial commissioner for outstanding values at the Ministry of Agriculture, emphasized that the nine breeds are national treasures and that it is important that such a film preserves their memory as such. The breeds included are the Komondor, Kuvasz, Puli, Pumi, Mudi, Hungarian Vizsla, Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, Hungarian Greyhound and Transylvanian Hound.
Németh also noted that the government last year supported the preservation of indigenous dog breeds with HUF 50 million. Funding covered a variety of programs, including genetic tests, work to increase each breed’s numbers, and the aforementioned film. The Nine Hungarian Dogs will be shown to school children and be available online in February as well as made available to local TVs.
Resource and photos: kormany.hu, hungarianinsider.com