The Hungarian district nurse service as an internationally unique, traditional service system

Short description:
The Hungarian District Nurse Service is a scientific, intellectual and community asset that is closely related to Hungarian knowledge and tradition. The district nurses pursue an occupation that has 100 years of history and provide a complex, preventive family protection service in Hungary which is unique in Europe. According to comparisons, the health services to mother and child are less coordinated in other countries of Europe than in Hungary. In Hungary only individuals possessing a college diplomat in district nursing can practice as district nurses. They pursue their professional activities individually and maintain regular contact with the experts of health, child welfare and the social welfare system. A district nurse maintains a close personal relationship with their patients, within the framework of which they provide health, social and mental hygiene advice that suited to their individual needs and problems. A district nurse also organises screening exams, prepares vaccinations and offers health education and other health protection community programmes to their patients.
Tags: védőnő, szolgálat, hungarikum