Ground paprika from Kalocsa

Short description:
The ground paprika became a domestic commercial article in the middle of the 1800s and also conquered foreign markets by the end of the century. The first paprika mill was built in Kalocsa in 1861. In 1900, three paprika mills produced ground paprika with 12 pairs of mill stones; the advanced Kalocsa paprika mills were built at the beginning of the 20th century. All paprika mills - built in the Kalocsa region, used pairs of mill stones that were driven by steam engines at the end of the 19th century, and by diesel and electric engines in the 20th century. Additionally, there were also quite a few water mills on the River Danube. The PDO protected ground paprika is grown in the Kalocsa paprika growing region. The product is dark red, and has a velvety effect, pleasant spicy aroma, similar to the caramelised roast seeds, as well as a sweetie and fruity taste.
Tags: kalocsa, paprika, őrölt, fűszer, hungarikum