Onions from Makó

Short description:

Onions have been grown in the Makó region for more than one hundred years. Makó onions are the result of top quality popular improvement. A unique technology has been developed for this region, which made Makó onions a special value and a unique Hungarian agricultural product. One of the methods of growing  onions is the so-called two–year cultural method, which was a makeshift solution for the dry climate of the region. In the local climate, traditional onions could not grow to a sufficient size in one summer, hence the production period had to be extended with one year more. The loess and alluvial soil with high nutrients and trace element content, shaped by the sediment of the river Maros as a special characteristic feature of the Makó region, furthermore the fresh air and efficient water management made this onion of Central Asian origin adaptable. The hot and dry summer and the large number of sunny hours produce excellent quality and layered, strong skin closing tight at the top of the bulb, which is the requirement of good preservation. According to experts, these are the features that determine the quality of the Makó onion.

Tags: makó, hagyma, hungarikum

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